[email protected]

Help us plan our next march by donating. We are trying to stick to our values and not aligning with groups that have conflicting values- donating helps us be as independent as needed.


Surrey Dyke March organizes on the ancestral, traditional, and unceded territories of the q̓ic̓əy̓, qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼən̓, kʷikʷəƛ̓əm, qiqéyt, SEMYOME, xʷməθkʷəy̓əm, and sc̓əwaθən məsteyəxʷ First Nations, also known as Surrey BC.This is an event rooted in anti-oppression and community care, and we will not tolerate any hate or discrimination, including but not limited to TERFS/SWERFS, white supremacists, classists, those spreading anti-drug user rhetoric, etc.
Please read our Values Statement and Community Care Agreement in the About section for more information about this.

Our First March



We are a group of folks who saw a need to create the space for dyke representation and community in what is colonially known as Surrey, and felt we could organize to make it happen. We stand with equity seeking groups and will not tolerate oppressive or behaviour that otherwise compromises the safety of anyone at the March.Our first ever March was on August 13, 2022 in the Surrey Central area. We are looking forward to next year!We welcome feedback/input from the community, as well as folks who may wish to get involved with us! Reach out through our social media links at the bottom or email [email protected].


Value StatementThe Surrey Dyke March exists on the basis of, and cannot operate without, certain values as we continually strive to be a safer space for all folks who are marginalized and/or made vulnerable.
We wish to be transparent about these, and should it come to light we have made an error or omission in this statement, our care agreement, or any of our organizing work we will rectify this as soon as possible while being accountable and transparent.
We organize on the ancestral, traditional, and unceded territories of the q̓ic̓əy̓, qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼən̓, kʷikʷəƛ̓əm, qiqéyt, SEMYOME, xʷməθkʷəy̓əm, and sc̓əwaθən məsteyəxʷ First Nations.
We understand that violence against Indigenous people and their lands across Turtle Island is deliberate and ongoing in many forms, including resource extraction, MMIWG2S, overrepresentation of Indigenous folks in the criminal legal system and as victims of violence, and countless other ways. We support Land Back and the expert Indigenous voices leading this movement.
We endeavour to have BIMPOC centered and celebrated in our space.
We stand with the trans community, and recognize trans people are the gender they say they are.
We believe in the right to self determination, including for those who do sex work.
As it is a tool of colonialism that deliberately exploits poor and working class folks, in particular those who are Black and Indigenous, we cannot and will not stand with capitalism. We are explicitly anti-corporate pride and anti-capitalist.2.Community Care AgreementWe have established this agreement as a sort of "code of conduct" to create an understanding for all folks attending and involved with the Surrey Dyke March.We wish to create a space free from any oppressive behaviour, including fatphobia, transphobia, racism, classism, ableism, or any other behaviour making folks feel unsafe/unwelcome.We also understand folks attending may come to the march having had different access to information/learning, privilege (including class and education), etc. Mistakes may happen. As part of community care, we also hope, when possible, for learning to happen. We encourage folks attending to let organizers know if any of this behaviour happens. We also ask anyone attending be open to receiving feedback and learning, and to changing behaviour if needed.

Get Involved

Please reach out to [email protected] for inquiries about how you can help.


We are seeking funding to allow us to hold this much-needed space this year. As we are a small team, these funds will allow us to buy supplies for signage and posters and some snacks and water to fuel our organizers and attendees the day of. We are attempting to make our dyke march safer for all marginalized groups and this means including as many folks as we can in the organizing process. For this reason, our funding will also provide honoraria to our 2SQTBIPOC organizers/contributors to compensate for their labour and the additional risk they take on being involved in the march.We will also be using funding to compensate the person(s) providing an Indigenous welcome and land honouring, as well as those providing ASL interpretation and to also fund a van rental to provide mobility from the start to end of the march for those needing it.Thank you so much for considering contributing to us! If you feel comfortable, every share counts to helping us reach our goal - we would so appreciate you sharing with your networks, however feels best for you.


Contact Us

[email protected]

We want to recognize that is this is a public event we cannot control if photos are taken of you and who has those photos/ views them. We wish you safety and informed consent in this. If a photo of you has been taken at the march and put up on one of our socials which you dislike please contact us to have it removed.


(2023) (The Surrey Dyke March is a political action, not a parade, and as such takes place without permits or sponsors.)Accessibility:
Every year we strive to be as accessible as possible, via providing harm reduction supplies, alternate transportation before during and after the march, snacks and hydration,  safer sex supplies, safer HRT kits, Naloxone kits, Masks, ear plugs,  and more. To be accessible to deaf folks we have ASL interpreters at the beginning and end of the march, as well as a speaker and mic while marching. We recommend mask usage and physical distancing, we are still in a pandemic and many in our community are immunocompromised. As we plan for our next march we will uphold these values around accessibility.

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